Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let’s be realistic

Tis’ the season of group projects, huge papers, and exams. Right around now we have tons of last big projects before our finals. It can be intense. We find ourselves whining about meeting with groups and finding time to get everything done. But really where does the whining and complaining get us? Nowhere. Listen to this….projects, papers, and presentations are not the end of the world, or even close for that matter. Take everything in stride. Do not let these things create stress in your life. It is your choice. It can be another thing to cross off your list or it can be something that holds you down and makes you want to cry. 

It can be a lot of work but seriously just do your best. Use your time wisely. If you feel bogged down look at the ways in which you are spending your time. What are some things that can change so that you can get another thing crossed off that list of “to-do’s?” Maybe it’s getting up an hour before your classes to read or work on a project for 30 minutes. Maybe you should practice saying “no” to things that you want to do but you could be productive if you didn’t do it. Again, breathe in…and breathe out… it will all get done. Just take one step at a time.

This weekend is Easter break and if you are like me you probably have plans to get some of that work done during this weekend. I want to challenge you to be realistic with your time and the amount of things you will get done. I know that there have been many weekends where I have gone home and thought that I was going to get lots of work done and all I arrived and all I wanted to do was sleep and hang out with my family. Then I come back to school and I am upset with myself for not getting anything done and I end up kicking myself. It might be helpful to schedule out your break. Pick certain times that you are going to block off to do homework. Pick certain times that you are going to intentional about spending with family and friends. Then, tell your family those times. I know that my mom always appreciates when I tell her what times I plan to do homework, that way she can plan to do something else (other than hanging out with me) during that time. I know that some of my favorite times of breaks have been when I have taken my homework to my favorite coffee shop, settled in and worked. Sometimes my mom brings a book and comes with and just having her sitting with me helps remind me that I am home. It just really helps me to be realistic. If I know that I will not get any work done then I say that and I am realistic with myself. It helps me to come back to school feeling like I accomplished whatever I set out to do.  

Here’s another challenge. Take time this week to be quiet and alone. Take time to reflect and to focus on the cross. Easter is kind of a big deal to our faith and for some reason we do not spend nearly enough time focused on it. With that said I will leave you with some of the lyrics to Before The Throne Of God Above, which we sang in chapel today and has some serious Easter talk.

“Because the sinless Savior died, 
My sinful soul is counted free; 
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the One, 
Risen Son of God! 

Behold Him there, the Risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness, 
The great unchangeable I am, 
The King of glory and of grace! 

One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high, 
With Christ, my Savior and my God

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