Friday, April 20, 2012

Returning vs. Staying

Last night was the North Hall Eastside pass down. At this event the current RA's and Leadership positions pass down to the future RA's and leadership positions. It is an awesome time of reflection and tips for the future. Each unit has crazy things to pass down and most things are tired to memories. This event is just such a reminder of what a family I have in these women. I said to two different people before the event that I wasn't going to cry. Cute Paige... real cute. I cried. A lot. But it was good. I was just reflecting on how much we had been through as a staff and how blessed I am by each of those women in that room. I am so thankful for having served along the RA's and leadership of this year and I am so excited and blessed to be able to return to Eastside and serve with some of the same and a lot of new ladies.

I purposely want to use the word RETURN. I don't want to use the word stay. I think of staying as a word that has a complacency connotation tagged on to it. Kinda like "nah Ill just stay here." I think those words are said out of comfort. Staying with what is familiar and staying with what is safe and becoming complacent. I am not returning to Eastside just because I want to "stay". I am returning because I feel passionate about Eastside and the journy that happens in the life of a freshmen in college. I am returning because I believe that God has equipped me and will continue to equip me to love those around me in this place and to do the job to the best of my ability. I am not returning because it is the safe option. I have no idea what next year will being. I will have a new staff. I will have new residents. But yet still I want to return. I want to return to the community that has given so much to me and I want to continue to give back.  I also think that returning is a more biblical term than staying. I think of how Christ will one day return for His love (us). On a smaller scale I want to return because I love Eastside and I love the freshmen experience. So I am not staying... I am going to return next year.

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