Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Boy's thoughts on Beauty Week

During Beauty Week I had a lot of great conversations with guys on the topic. As I talked about Beauty Week with more and more guys I started to realize how much they had to say and what awesome thoughts they had on the whole topic. I decided I wanted them to share on this blog. I have specifically not included names. But both of these quotes are from men who attend IWU. 

“I loved this emphasis on beauty. I think girls get really caught up in presenting themselves as these glamorized people who don't really exist. Having lived with and discussed this with men, we are much more interested in a girl who is honest with her beauty. Not a girl who tries to alter her beauty, but one who embraces herself. That's a true beauty. Make-up has never been a necessity or anywhere near the list of criteria for a potential wife. In fact, the confidence of a girl who lets her natural beauty shine is far more attractive than any amount of concealer or eyeshadow.”
“Let’s be honest, most girls usually look better when they wear makeup than when they don’t. Even if a girl looks pretty without makeup, when she chooses not to wear it, we notice something is different. Our culture has taught us that girls wear makeup, and that’s just how it should be. Is it wrong for girls to wear makeup? I would say definitely not. But girls, especially Christian girls, should question why they wear makeup, and what truly makes them beautiful."

        The Bible has many things to say about true beauty, beauty that comes from the Lord. 1st Samuel 16:7 says that “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” Then in 1st Peter 3:4, it says that true beauty comes from a “gentle and quiet spirit.” So knowing this, Christian girls and guys should both acknowledge that true beauty does not come from how we look on the outside, but from who we are, and from how we were made. (Check out Psalm 139:14)
        I’m not going to say that I think wearing makeup is right or wrong. That’s not my place. But ultimately, I think that if a girl feels like she is worth more because of the makeup she is wearing, that is a problem. She should know that she is beautiful without it. Our culture puts a great emphasis on physical beauty. Is physical beauty wrong? No. But it becomes wrong if it’s the only thing we focus on. So as Christians, we should challenge our culture’s perception of beauty with the true beauty that comes from God. I think North Hall Beauty Week was a creative way of challenging that perception.”

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