Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kony 2012 and The Hunger Games

These topics are pretty big these days. Kony 2012, and The Hunger Games. I think I have been avoiding blogging about them because I think they are both just really big topics to address. But the avoiding is over. Disclaimer: these are my thoughts and feelings; by no means do I think I know everything or that I have any answers. 

With that being said here are my thoughts on Kony 2012. Wow. What a huge campaign. What a great example of how powerful social media can be. As a Public Relations major I have been impressed and really interested in how they have handled everything. As a person who has been to Africa a few times, I have a passion for Africa, and this hit my heart pretty hard. I know people from Uganda and it was not the first time I had heard of The Invisible Children Organization. I was shocked by how many people reposted the video and how many conversations I had about it in the week following the videos explosion. The thing that scared me the most was the bandwagon effect. It seemed to me that within a matter of minutes people were watching the video and reposting it or sharing it with friends. My guess is that these people did little to no research on the topic itself. As a person in college, and as a Christian, I think it is my role to be a smart consumer of the media that I intake and the media that I put out or repost. There was no way that I was going to repost that video right after watching it. My heart was hurting. I was confused. I didn’t fully understand the topic and I knew I needed to read more if I was going to support the movement or not. So, my challenge to you blog friends is to form your own opinion. Be cautious when you decide to support something like this. Do your research. Don’t repost it because all your friends are, don’t repost it because it will make you look like a better Christian; do not repost it because you want to “fix” Africa. Be able to have an informed decision and not just say “what a cool video.” 

Here are some articles that I have read to become more informed on the topic. Read these, or don’t, feel free to read others. It’s not hard to find them.

Micah 6:8

Now, The Hunger Games. 

I went and saw The Hunger Games on opening weekend. I went in feeling very skeptical. I knew the plot had children killing children and I was confused as to how that could be entertaining. I saw it in Bluffton, Ohio for $3 dollars in a theatre with one screen. Cute. Haha but that is besides the point. I loved the movie. I was hooked. There were two things that really stood out to me that took the “cool movie” to a much deeper level. 
 Here are the pretty ladies that I saw it with!

1.       The distribution of wealth.
My friend turned to me and said “it is so weird how its suppose to be a futuristic movie and some of the people are futuristic looking but the people in district 12 look so old fashioned.” To that I responded with “Yea, that’s how our world is today.”The distribution of the wealth today is unreal.  The percentage of people that have the money and power is crazy small. Just like the capital city in The Hunger Games. I eat like a queen in my college cafeteria while kids across the ocean and heck down the street are hoping that someone will toss a loaf of bread their way. This is real life. It’s how it is right now. Just like in The Hunger Games, yet, I don’t think people see it that way because they don’t want to. It sucks. Sometimes holding a mirror up to your life makes you want to close your eyes.
2.       Entertainment in our society.
One of the other things in the movie that slapped me in the face was the parallel to what we find out entertainment in. You might say “Paige, we are not entertained by watching kids kill other kids” which is true… to a degree. But what are we entertained by? As time goes on the things that are shown on TV and in movies gets more and more disgusting. We, and myself, included are entertained by reality TV. In all reality these shows have ruined lives or drastically changed them…and it is for our entertainment. We watch movies where people brutally kill each other. It might disturb us but to a degree we are entertained. It’s sick. I think it is getting worse. Again, it’s the whole mirror thing. The Hunger Games shows a drastic example….and it is something that I don’t think we want to face or except. 

After seeing the movie I had an awesome opportunity to meet with one of my professors and discuss it. Oh the perks of a small school. It was a great conversation and I encourage you to find others that want to talk about it with you. Of course, I am always willing and would love it. 

Those are my thoughts. Again, they are mine. I understand that. My goal is not to offend anyone or get anyone upset but I want to encourage you and spur you on to think more about both of these topics. I know that they might not be right but I hope that they make you think. I hope that they challenge you to think deeper about both of these headline topics.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

With the end in sight…

It’s about that time. I had multiple professors’ talk about finals in my classes today. It is almost the end of the 2011-2012 school year. I don’t know about you but I am pretty sure the finish line is right around the corner. Pretty crazy. However, it is important that we do not get too far ahead of ourselves. We still have about 4 weeks left.

 In my unit devotions last night I challenged the girls to cast a vision for these next 4 weeks. How are you going to finish strong this year? What areas of your life do you want to be intentional in? Who do you want to be intentional with? What is your bucket list for the next 4 weeks? What are your goals? What is going to keep you from becoming complacent? What are you going to do in the next 4 weeks that will be worthy of “writing home about” or what will you one day tell your kids about this year of college? 

Trust me. As soon as we all leave to summer we will miss this time and these people sooner than we realize. So, my thought? Take advantage now. Answer the questions I just asked.

Take time right now. Get a post-it note, a note card, a scrap of paper, open a word document…something. Take 5-10 minutes or longer and cast a vision for the next 4 weeks. 

How will you end this semester? Spring 2012.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Guest Blog! Liv's Trip to Mali

I  asked my sweet friend and resident to write a out her thoughts about her trip to Africa. She went to Mali over Christmas Break. She gladly did and I am so excited to share her thoughts with you! 

After going to Mali, West Africa twice before I thought I would be a pro at it. God proved me wrong. During my winter break I was given the opportunity to serve in Mali again. However, before I actually went on this trip I was convinced that I was not going to go. I was going to send my family off and I’d be at home alone and then head off to school. Long story short, I found myself on a plane to Mali.  Going on this trip as a college student was a totally different experience for me. I was on a medical missions trip with 13 other team members (5 of them being my sisters and parents) Our purpose of the trip was to show the love of Jesus. The medicine was just a tool, we knew we couldn’t cure Africa.  Many things I never noticed before became so apparent to me this trip. Things that I was able to understand more as a college student than a high school student. On this trip I was much more intentional with showing love.  Whether it be with a smile or a handshake or even the giving of a bracelet.

 I promised to keep this blog short so if you want to hear multiple stories you can go here ( All in all, I would encourage all college students to go on a missions trip. Even if it is just to an inner city, or across the globe. God works through you and let me tell you he teaches you so much. Since coming back home from this trip I have been changed. I have changed my major to TESOL because I saw the lack of English and Education in Mali. Now you may go on a missions trip and not change your major like I have but you do come home changed. Now I will be the first person to tell you that it was hard to miss a week of college and then to jump right back in. You come back with a lot of culture shock and you are trying to process everything that you experienced. Going on this mission trip required me to grow and mature. However, now being in college I have applied it more to my life. It is obvious that God is working all over the globe. I know that mission trips are not cheap so I would encourage you to start praying and saving now. Maybe you come up with a place you want to go or you go where you feel God is leading you. I want to end with this verse I heard right after I came back to school at Summit. "and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness..."-Isaiah 58:10 When you go on a missions trip ask God to spend you. To use you and all of your gifts and talents he has blessed you with to share his love.
With much love,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Don't Forget to Register!

These next few weeks are filled with different types of registration.
1.       Registering for housing.
2.       Registering for classes

Holy cow. Pretty big life decisions right there. These topics can be intimidating. I know that as an RA again for next year I am so thankful that I don’t have to worry about registration for housing. Your housing decisions are some of the most important choices you will make in your college career. Honestly. It impacts a lot. A lot needs to go into the process. The most important thing that needs to happen = conversations. These conversations need to be open and honest.  Be honest with yourself and with your friends. What do you need to be a successful student? 

As far as registering for classes goes make sure you meet with whoever you need to meet with. That probably means your advisor. Personally I have found it extremely helpful to make friends with people who are further along in my major. They have really great insights as to when to take what classes and who to take them with. Make sure you go into your advising meeting having some things figured out. You don’t need to know everything but definitely have an idea of what you want to do next semester. 

Both of these things take planning and having conversations that really are not the most fun. But it’ll all really pay off in the end. Take a deep breath. It will all work out. Somehow our amazing, wonderful, all knowing God works it all together. Take comfort in that. Don’t let either of these topics hold more room in your life than they should.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Weather = :)

It’s pretty great that we came back from Spring break to have spring-like weather. I don’t know about you but I am a fan. I think that sun just makes me a better person. I like other people more. I am just all around in a better mood. Am I alone in that?

There are a few things that are tendencies when the weather starts getting warmer. 

1.       Taking off your clothes.
Yes, it is warmer and you are ready to leave behind your winter clothes. I think that is so great. However, be careful. When in doubt…change. I know you might have great legs but short shorts, dresses, and skirts make everyone feel uncomfortable.  The girls want to call you out on it and if they don’t say it to your face they are thinking it and probably talking to other people about it… and the boys maybe aren’t thinking the most pure things (trust me, you don’t want that kind of attention). 
 This picture is dramatic but I thought it was funny. Girls at IWU can wear hats etc. But I think you get the point.

2.       Exercising outside again.
I think it is only natural that the warm weather makes us want to take our workouts outside. I love me some vitamin D from that sunshine. There are also a few cautions with that craving. Remember to be smart. When you go for a run…you should be running against the cars (left side of the road). When you go biking you should go with the traffic (right side of the road).  I was crazy to think that everyone knows this rule. There have been countless times when I have been running  and another runner is coming towards me on the same side of the road…that just shouldn’t happen. Today I went for a bike ride and I was on the right side of the road and came face to face with a runner coming towards me. There are some other great tips if you click on this link.
 Notice how you can see the bikers butt and the butts of the car.

There is something powerful in the first few warm days after being inside all winter. Campus is alive, that’s for sure. There is something powerful about going for a run and the sunlight hitting your skin.

When the weather gets warmer what is your favorite thing to do? What is that feel good sunshine activity for you?

Post a comment! I want to hear from you! Just do it!

Now get outside and enjoy this fresh air!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break is.....over.

I know it might seem dark and depressing to have to go back to school now…but trust me this is just the start of the best time of the year. These next 7 weeks. That’s right…I said 7. (Less than 2 months) Are the bomb. The weather is warming up…boys in South Hall start playing music out their windows…and football on the lawn. The sun stays out longer. It is really all downhill till summer! Take joy in that.

As you come back from Spring Break it is always a good idea to gather your thoughts about what you did over break. So, when people ask you, you will be prepared to answer…instead of forgetting and then making yourself think that you did nothing.  I always like to go back through my break and think about all that I did just for self satisfaction. I want to remind myself that I did not waste that time and that I really enjoyed it. 

Here are some questions to think about:
What did I do when I first got to where I was going?
Who was it really great to see?
What was my favorite thing to eat?
What was the best thing I did?
What was the most productive thing that I did?
What TV show did I catch up on?
What am I most looking forward to in these next 7 weeks?

Be ready to answer a few of those and bam you are set for your next 12 conversations once you are back on campus!